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Coronavirus Disease 2019 - COVID 19

Clinical features


Mild cases: Category A
  • cough
  • Malaise
  • Sore throat without shortness of breath
  • Rhinitis
  • Diarrhea

Moderate to severe cases:

Categeroy B

Fever and or severe sorethroat/cough/diarrhea


Category A plus two or more of the following:

  1. Lung / heart / liver / kidney / neurological disease / Hypertension / haematalogical disorders / uncontrolled Diabetes / Cancer / HIV-AIDS
  2. On long term steroids / immunosuppressive drugs
  3. Pregnant lady
  4. Age – more than 60 years


Category A plus cardiovascular disease

Categeroy C

  1. Breathlessness, chest pain, drowsiness, fall in blood pressure, haemoptysis, cyanosis(red flag signs)
  2. Children with ILI(influenza like illness) with red flag signs(somnolence, high/persistent fever, inability to feed well, convulsions, dyspnea / respiratory distress etc

Identification of high risk Patients


  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Lung Disease
  • CKD
  • CLD
  • On immunosuppressives
  • HIV/congenital immunodeficiency disorders
  • Age > 60 years

Clinical assessment

  • Hypoxia – SpO2 < 93% on room air
  • Tachycardia PR >125/min
  • Respiratory distress
  • RR> 30/min
  • Hypotension BP:Systolic < 90mmHg Diastolic < 60mmHg
  • Altered sensorium

Laboratory values

  • CRP>100mg/L
  • CPK>twice upper limit of normal
  • Ferritin>300mcg/L
  • Trop T elevation
  • LDH>245U/L
  • D Dimer>1000ng/ml
  • Multi organ dysfunction
  • ALC <0.8

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