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Coronavirus Disease 2019 - COVID 19


High Risk (HR) Contact:

  1. Contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
  2. Travelers who have visited an area of hospital where COVID- 19 cases are being treated
  3. Travel to a locality where active COVID-19 community spread is suspected or clustering of confirmed COVID-19 cases are detected in the last 14 days.
  4. Touched body fluids of patients (respiratory tract secretions, blood, vomitus, saliva, urine, faeces).
  5. Had direct physical contact with the body of the patient including physical examination without PPE.
  6. Touched or cleaned the linens, clothes or dishes of the patient
  7. Close contact, within 3 feet (1 metre) of the confirmed case
  8. Со-passengers in an airplane /vehicle seated in the same row, 3 rows in front and behind of a confirmed COVID 19 case

Low Risk (LR) Contact:

  1. Shared the same space (same cLassroom/same room for work or similar activity and not having high risk exposure to the confirmed/suspected case)
  2. Travel in the same environment (bus/train) but not having high risk exposure as cited above.
  3. Any traveller not satisfying high risk criteria

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